
Looking for a Talent and a personality

You are representing an international corporation, a mid-sized company or a consulting firms in Europe ou in Africa.
You want to benefit from the expertise of a partner to lead, some of your project for effective recruitment in the filed of IT & Digital.
BK Search is the committed partner you are looking for

Recruit with BK Search

BK Search has developed complete service offerings to attract the best Talents who will fit your requirement and your corporate culture.

Hire with the support of BK Search, it’s:

Active listening

We will have an active and constant listening of your requirement and the evolution of them.

Relying on a partner

We will be committed to your success by an accurate understanding of your needs in recruitment.

Working knowledge

You will benefit from our expertises and methodologies acknowledged in the recruitment of IT & Digital specialists.

UA unique sense of selection

We will identify and evaluate the suitable candidate who will match your specific requirement.

Do you need further information on our recruitment service?



Our positioning in IT & Digital markets and our knowledge of these business, allow us to carry out recruitment missions on the following areas:



Profiles: Chief Information Security Officier (CISO) / Information Security Program Manager / Risk Analytst / Auditor / Pentester / Industrial Cybersecurity consultant Security…


Profiles: ERP Competency Center Director / ERP Program Manager / ERP Functional Consultant / ERP Business Analyst / ERP System administrator / ERP Developer…
web development


Profils: Product Owner / Delivery Manager / Solution Architect / Developer / Data Engineer / Data Scientist

Contact us

Please complete the following form, we will provide you with every information.


BK Search Sàrl
Av. Industrielle 4
1227 Carouge Suisse


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